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katie at a research seminar

I've done several research projects throughout my academic career. Please feel free to reach out if you want to talk to me about any of these topics, or if you have any questions about them!

Chinese Hukou System and Social Mobility: The hukou, an institution of population registration, assists the systematic socioeconomic governance of Chinese citizens and places parameters on citizen access to certain rights based on their birthplace. I measure to what extent the Hukou's reforms through the ages increased Chinese citizens' social mobility.

UBI and the Women's Second Shift: Despite societal advances, women today are still generally expected to bear the brunt of domestic labor in a household on top of any professional obligations they may have. I try to evaluate to what extent a universal basic income can compensate for women's unpaid labor.

Legitimacy and Violent Protest: I wrote an ethical credo trying to examine justifications for violent protest by examining past social movements and conflicts through the lens of various philosophers, including Thomas Aquinas and his just war theory.

Direct Democracy and the Internet: I evaluate how modern telecommunication technologies can help us return from a representative democracy to an Athenian direct democracy

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